Unleashing the Magic of Cancer Season

The Cancer season, which spans from June 21 to July 22, is a period ripe with potent emotional energy and loving vibrations.

Like the crab, the Cancer season is marked by a move inward as we delve deep into our emotional core and explore the hidden depths of our soul. It is the perfect time to connect with our intuition, emotions and spiritual nature. If you're tuned in, the energies of Cancer season can help you discover a deeper level of self-awareness, self-love, and spiritual growth- and we're here to help you tap into that magic.

1. Honor Your Emotions

Cancer season is the time to give space and honor to all emotions, especially the challenging ones. It's a time to feel deeply and heal deeply. When we deny emotions, shove them aside, or try to avoid them, we only create a buildup of stress. We can process any negative emotions we face by journaling, talking with a supportive friend or therapist, meditating, or simply acknowledging the feelings.

2. Connect With Water

Cancer season is ruled by the element of water, so naturally, it's an excellent time to explore the healing powers of water. You could work with a water crystal to cleanse and detoxify, meditate near a waterfall or stream, take a relaxing bath with salts and essential oils, drink plenty of water to nourish and hydrate your body or swim in the ocean or a lake. As you interact with the element of water, you will feel rejuvenated and connected to your inner self.

3. Nurture Yourself

Cancer season is a fitting time to practice self-care and self-love. Treat yourself with compassion and kindness by doing things that bring you joy and happiness. Nurturing yourself can mean a variety of things - it could be taking a yoga class, enjoying a soothing cup of tea, getting a massage, or spending time with a loved one. Whatever you do, make sure it nurtures your mind, body, and soul.

4. Connect with Your Inner Child

The Cancer season invites you to tap into your inner child, to let go of the fear of being judged, and fully embrace your authenticity. Remember what it was like to be young and silly - do activities that light up that inner child, like playing in nature, drawing, coloring, or writing. The inner child is a part of our personality that still craves love and reassurance. When we connect with this inner child, we tap into our most playful, creative, and loving energy.

5. Manifest Your Intentions

As the Cancer season comes to an end, take this time to manifest your dreams and desires. The new moon in Cancer, which falls on July 9th, is an ideal time to set intentions that will culminate in the full moon in Capricorn on July 24th. To manifest your intentions, you can create an altar, write down your goals, visualize your future self, and release any limiting beliefs that might be holding you back. Trust the universe to guide you in the right direction, and remember that you are always supported.

Cancer season is a magical time full of emotional healing, nurturing energy, and playful exploration.

It is a time to connect with our inner self and honor all emotions. By working with the healing powers of water, practicing self-care and self-love, connecting with our inner child, and finally manifesting our intentions, we can step into our most authentic, radiant selves. Remember, the Cancer season is a time for self-love, growth, and transformation- so go ahead and unleash the magic.