Radiant You: Spring Cleaning for the Mind, Body, and Soul


A lot of people are going to be starting the arduous process of ‘Spring Cleaning’.

I remember this process well as a kid, as I was always made to clean every nook and cranny of my room and get rid of any unwanted clothes and toys. That’s the general idea most people have when it comes to spring cleaning: remove the things that are no longer relevant to make room for other, newer things that will come to us throughout the year, and then wipe away the dust that’s settled to make everything else look brand new again.

While this approach is pretty standard, it by no means is the only method to ‘clean house’. Yes, your living space needs your attention, but so does your mind, body, and soul! Ideally, this trifecta should always be in perfect working harmony, but we know that it’s sometimes a daily struggle to keep a firm grip on your sanity with all those hurdles life tosses at you. We’re here to let you know that it’s okay to steal away some time for yourself to make sure you’re as balanced as possible. Here are a few ways to go about doing just that!

Our first suggestion is fairly simple. Well, simple in theory.

Be selfish.

Chances are, you haven’t been taking a lot of time for yourself and have, instead, been investing your energy into others. Giving without taking the time to replenish is a very sure way to mentally – and physically – deplete yourself. If you have this sort of giving nature, we understand. It can be easy to give too much, though, so we encourage you to take some much-needed time for yourself to build up a fresh cache. This shouldn’t just be a one-time thing, either, especially if you’re consistently giving. We know it can be hard to justify taking those moments but trust us. You’ve earned it!


For the body.

All it asks is that you treat it like the temple it is. We aren’t perfect, and we don’t always remember to eat healthy, but it really is a good foundation for keeping it in harmony. Try giving your body some TLC by giving it the things is craves – nutrients and natural sustenance! It’s easy to get away from this (I know all too well!) but just starting small and adding in fresh fruits and veggies into your everyday diet can do wonders. And please, please don’t forget to stay hydrated! Water does the body good, so try to make a conscious effort to give it more of what it craves.

As for your soul.

Try forgetting about yesterday and stop worrying about tomorrow. Live in the NOW and enjoy what you have and where life has brought you thus far. You may not be in the place you want to be just yet, but putting yourself in the right mind set can help move you along that desired path. Enjoy the time you get with your friends and family. Laugh, be silly, even cry if you need to. Put yourself in the company of people who are willing to lift you up even on those dark days. The key is to be true to yourself and never sell yourself short. You know who you are, and you know how you feel. So be it and feel it!

To help round everything out nicely, Wicked Obscura would like to introduce you to our two newest additions – Sister Smudge and Vernal Vibes!

Sister Smudge is the perfect companion for the dormitory or the stressful office building. Infused with blessed water and sage, she’s ideal for getting rid of those bad vibes that may be hanging around, without the worry of setting off any smoke detectors.

Our Vernal Vibes room spray will brighten and keep any room purified as well as leaving a delicate, citrusy scent lingering in the air. Check them out in our shop!

We’d love to hear from you! What area would you like to focus on ‘Spring Cleaning’ this season?