What is Libanomancy?

Libanomancy is a type of divination that uses incense to divine the future and provide symbolism.

This ancient practice has been used for centuries by people all over the world, and there are many different ways to use it. In this blog post, we will discuss why it is such an amazing divination tool. I’ve also included some extra tips and additional resources for you!

My name is Lizzie and I run BackyardBanshee.com where my passionate love of divination comes through for spiritual and professional growth to my community. I love to use divination as a tool to enrich my witchcraft experience, and I hope to share some of this adoration with you in this blog post! 

Libanomancy origins

The etymology of the word libanomancy is derived from the Greek libanos, meaning incense, and manteia, meaning divination. This practice likely originated in ancient China or India, and it eventually made its way to Europe via the Middle East. Libanomancy was popularized during the Renaissance, when many people were interested in exploring different ways of divining the future. As long as there has been fire, there has been smoke, and it’s near impossible to date specifically when any form of fire divination was started.

There are many different ways to perform libanomancy. The most common method is to burn incense on a charcoal disc or in a censer, and then interpret the smoke patterns that are formed. Another way to do it is to place a piece of incense in a bowl of water, and then interpret the resulting shape that is formed from the snuffed smoke - moon water is perfect for this. You can also use libanomancy to create magical sigils. To do this, you would write down your intention on a piece of paper, and then burn the paper with incense. The resulting smoke pattern would be your sigil.

There are many different interpretations of libanomancy. Some people believe that it can be used to predict the future, while others believe that it is more of a tool for self-reflection and understanding yourself better. No matter what you believe, there is no doubt that libanomancy is a powerful divination tool that can be used in many different ways.

Why choose this divination method

Libanomancy suits those who are Air and Fire element heavy in their astrological natal charts, but it is completely open to anyone as a practice in reality. For those who find symbolism and meaning  nearly everywhere, libanomancy is perfect for this too - it is so open ended with queries it will keep you busy for long periods of time. It's also great for low-key, in the broom-closet practitioners as you don't look so obvious in what you're doing - unlike sitting down with tarot cards, no-one is going to outright ask you and know if you are interpreting incense smoke.

My favorite thing about it though is how easy it is to combine with any other magickal practice that involves fire, or incense. Cleansing a space ("How will this ritual go?") or from using intention candles and watching the smoke blow from the petals or herbs sprinkled on top. It's very versatile and can be done in many different ways, making it perfect for those who like to switch up their routine or practice.

Libanomancy Ritual

To begin, you will need:

  • A bowl of water

  • A censer or an incense holder

  • An incense stick

  • A piece of paper

  • A pen or pencil

You will begin by lighting the incense and placing it in the censer or incense holder. They will then hold the bowl of water in their left hand and focus on their question. After a few moments, they will dip the paper into the water and allow it to soak for a few seconds. Once the paper is soaked, they will remove it from the water and place it on a flat surface in front of the incense. Sit in front of the incense smoke and paper, and allow the smoke to waft over the paper. As you do this, focus on your question and open your mind to any answers that may come to you. After a few minutes, you can remove the paper and see what patterns have been formed by the incense smoke. Interpret these patterns in whatever way you see fit.

Suggested meanings of smoke patterns:

  • fast moving smoke = change is coming

  • slow moving smoke = things will stay the same

  • smoke rising in a spiral = answers are being revealed to you

  • smoke rising in a straight line = clarity is being attained

  • no smoke or dissipates quickly = be patient, the answer will come in time

There are many different ways to interpret libanomancy, so there is no wrong way to do it. The most important thing is that you relax and let the divination process flow naturally. If you find that libanomancy is not for you, there are many other divination methods out there that you can explore. No matter what method you choose, remember to always trust your intuition.

Additional Resources:

-The Ultimate Guide to Divination: A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Fortune Telling by Lisa Chamberlain

-Divination by Steven Bright

-A Curious Future by Kiki Dombrowski

-Libanomancy for Beginners: How to Use Incense Sticks for Divination


Hey, I’m Lizzie with BackyardBanshee.com. I am a professional tarot reader and a witchy business owner. I created backyardbanshee.com as a platform to share my passion for all things tarot, divination, magick, and rituals. I provide lots of services, tools and resources for spiritual and professional growth!