If you're tuned in, the energies of Cancer season can help you discover a deeper level of self-awareness, self-love, and spiritual growth- and we're here to help you tap into that magic.
Read MorePisces season is the perfect time to reconnect with your spiritual side. This astrological season, which lasts from February 19 through March 20, is ruled by the planet Neptune and offers us a chance to tap into its mystical energies. Let’s dive deep into understanding how we can use this season to help heal our souls and explore our creative potentials.
Read MoreLooking for the perfect gift for the witch in your life? Wicked Obscura has you covered with our holiday gift guide based on zodiac signs.
Read MoreFrom February 18th to March 20th, Pisces season brings to us a time for some very deep healing, and it isn’t as simple as healing an old wound from a past relationship.
Read MoreFrom January 19 to February 18, Aquarius season marks a time to stand up, stand out, be proud, and make changes to help make a difference. (Does anyone else think of the XMEN when this season comes rolling around?)
Read MoreWe’re so excited to announce that Kayla is hosting a virtual Astrology 101 class THIS SEPTEMBER 25th!
Read MoreThe weather may still seem warm, but the nights are coming soon, the air is cooling and the pumpkins are coming out. September is HERE and begins with an opportunity to reorganize and recalibrate your system! Buckle up, and get ready.
Read MoreHELLO AUGUST! You’re finally here! We’ve been waiting tirelessly to feel this shift from the “Testing Times” of July into the “Peacock Times” of August (yes, that’s what they’re calling them!). I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to take a break from the watery shadow work and get loud and proud this fire season!
Read MoreEven though we still have some issues to work through, being in the sign of Cancer in the first part of the month will help us out in giving that “mom” energy; the nurturing side to help us in healing whatever fears and anxieties we’re experiencing.
Read MoreIf the past two weeks have felt chaotic, you’re not alone. Mercury Retrograde began on May 29th, and we're currently right in the middle of eclipse season.
Read MoreSummer is on the horizon, and because of this blooming season, we’re helping you get more in tune with your earthly roots. Not only outside, but also in your own home, because let’s be honest- once those intensely hot summer days hit, you will most likely find yourself sitting inside to try to get a break from the heat.
Read MoreMay is one of the most pivotal months of 2021. It brings an incredibly powerful and rare Blood Moon Eclipse in the fiery sign of Sagittarius, the opening of the Pleiades Portal, and the shift of Jupiter into Pisces for the first time in 12 years.
Read MoreWith the internal work done in winter, we can now launch forward into new and exciting adventures. Aries season is the start of the astrological new year. Now is the time to create the visions and life we want.
Read MoreWhile February was well spent in the mental state of self and societal reflection, it’s now time to “take things to heart” so to speak, and see what truly makes our hearts beat- leading us to new insights and illuminations.
Read More2021 looks like a great year in general for Aquarius, as they will be aligned with their ruling planet for a good portion of the year. This means positive growth is a big possibility.
Read MoreUse this Capricorn season to enjoy the fruits of all your hard labor. 2020 has been a hard year for everyone and they have made you work harder than ever. However, make sure you are taking time for yourself!
Read MoreSagittarius is full of fun! They are known as a wanderer; they love to travel and explore new things! They have an extremely open mind and tend to think about things with a philosophical gaze.
Read MoreOne of the three water signs, Scorpio is overflowing with emotion. This intensity carries over into almost every aspect of their life, covering their identity in a mysterious, charming, brooding, emotional, and sexual energy.
Read MoreSo buckle up because from October 14 until November 3 Mercury will be in retrograde. But what exactly is Mercury Retrograde and is there anything we can do to abate its’ effects?
Read MoreBalance, the hallmark of being a Libra. They crave it and ARE it. They thrive on keeping things just so in their own lives, as well as in the lives of those around them.
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